Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What happens when you run out of bread?

You make TORTILLAS! Well, only if you run out of bread, AND your husband took the car with the car seat to work with him because his car is out of gas. Yep... story of my life. Any way, I used this recipe, which was not too shabby. I think I prefer a whole wheat tortilla. I have a good recipe for those, I just couldn't find it.

I only made half of the recipe. The dough was pretty easy to work with. I've learned the secret to getting a soft dough, and that is the boiling water. (Thank you Sparklett's dispenser for giving me hot and cold water any time of the day. So convenient.)

Just roll it out however you like it

Cook one side till little bubbles come up

Flip it, and brown the other side.

And be sure to take good care of your tortillas. They will dry out and harden. I revived a few hard ones today by brushing them with water and putting them in the microwave. It's just not the same though.

1 comment:

  1. This is not a sugarcoma recipe! Just add some sugar and cinnamon :)
