Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I frosted a cake!

For Jim's birthday, Kristy had a delicious spice bunt cake that she asked me to frost. So, I made up some cream cheese frosting. I used the recipe from the Better Homes and Gardens cook book. The recipe ended up tweaked, because it didn't call for any milk. (Weird, huh?) So it was...

1/3 cup of cream cheese (from the tub)
1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract
1 cup of powdered sugar

I put it all in the bowl, and used a hand mixer to try and whip it a little. It had a really strong cream cheese/vanilla flavor because I wasn't able to use all of the powdered sugar. This will make only enough frosting for the top of a cake.

When it came time to frost, I busted out a cake spatula and went to town. This is what happened.... I'm not going to lie, I was really excited about what happened...

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